
About Us

About Us


Reserve your spot today! Join us at the Fall Banquet to witness powerful recovery stories and hear from Erik Estrada, CHiPs star. Don’t miss this opportunity – grab your tickets now!


Our Mission

To provide an effective and comprehensive Christian faith-based solution to life controlling behavioral disorders including but not limited to; drug, alcohol, pornography, and gambling; to treat the whole person so they may become productive members of their community. Adult & Teen Challenge of the Greater Midwest endeavors to help an ever-increasing number of people become mentally sound, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, physically well, and spiritually alive. With a spiritual emphasis, residents are given the opportunity to encounter God as their hope for change and He is glorified as their lives are delivered through His Holy Spirit.

Core Values


We seek to instill a strength of mind that enables a person to face their issues with courage.


We take personal responsibility for processes, decisions, actions, and results.


We strive to not simply teach right principles but to embody them.


We are not controlled by addiction, but rather through Christ we find moderation in action, thought and feeling.


We are driven by the hope that no one is too sick, too addicted, or too far gone to be changed by Christ’s power.


Locations Map Pin Icon

Men’s Residential Program*
2400 N. 8th St.
Pekin, IL 61554

Locations Map Pin Icon

Women’s Residential Program*
19453 Hurricane Lane
Carlinville, IL 62626

*All program genders are based on the gender the student was assigned at birth

  • "Adult & Teen Challenge provides employment as well as a fantastic opportunity for their clients to build a new life. Abuse of drugs and alcohol are such an impediment for employment, and we need solutions. Adult & Teen Challenge provides some of those solutions for our community."
    Jeff GriffinFormer Peoria, IL Chamber of Commerce CEO & President

EFCA Accreditation

ECFA enhances trust in Christ-centered churches and ministries through its annual accreditation of organizations based on Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship™, drawn from Scripture.

  1. Doctrinal Issues
  2. Governance
  3. Financial Oversight
  4. Use of Resources and Compliance with Laws
  5. Transparency
  6. Compensation-Setting and Related-Party Transaction
  7. Stewardship of Charitable Gifts